Saturday 25 October 2014

Astral Cords & Clearing Them

Astral Cords can be thought of as energy threads ...each person or living thing you've interacted with has an energy force of it's own and when you share words ,feelings moments ,even space with other energy forms your energies intermingle , when that experience is over and the physical presence of that person or living thing is gone what remains attached to both the living beings is what is called the Astral Cord ... You may have hundreds of these cords, depending on the work you do and relationships you have had. Imagine all the energy you may be feeding to people at this time, allowing your energy resources to drain. It is important to your spiritual ,emotional and physical well being to CUT these cords periodically, "intent-fully" resetting your energetic field ... There are numerous ways this can be achieved .. I will share with you my favorite..Call upon the energy of Source & Archangel Michael... AA Michael is Earth’s representative of the all-encompassing strength of the Divine/Source. Michael lends you support, courage, & confidence. He’ll boost your resolve to make healthy changes, as well as guide you to new opportunities and help you heal from past experiences by clearing away any energetic ties holding you vibrationally hostage which are hindering you from seeing the new opportunities due to too many different vibrational pulls .. Hence the term "being pulled in a million different directions" ...when we experience this energetic fog it gets hard to see the forest for the trees so to speak .. we may keep finding ourselves dragged back into our past dramas thru these connections .. Consciously recognizing your energy field as part of your total Well Being just as you do your body and mind enables you to rebalance, finding your vortex center with greater ease... Imagine if you could get up every morning and see your energy field in the mirror as you do your face ?You'd want to take care of it right? Go to your quiet place ,even if it's just in your mind and invite Archangel Michael to lovingly and for the best interest of all do a sweep of stale ,stagnant energy,threads holding you back from experiencing the joy that is truly yours to have (I like to think of a gentle whirlwind clearing those connected threads from energetic interactions) others have used the envisioning him with a sword of healing light delicately disconnecting the individual energies...restoring all energies to their rightful entities ... TADA ....all your energetic cords are removed!! That simple.... Now people say..but what about the GOOD cords , the connections you want to keep and nurture ...Astral Cord Clearing enables you to start over energetically with those you wish to keep in your life, which greatly enhances those connections because of all the energy you've freed up . and then the cords to people you wish to remain connected with quickly reform. These positive cords reform with new energy from where you are now, letting go of all the old stagnant energy between you and those people enabling forward positive flow. Maybe you are someone who would like to have a Lightworker perform the Astral Cord Clearing for you ...find a practitioner you are comfortable with and go from there. I myself will gladly walk you through it ...xo Astral Cord Clearing complements other healing sessions you receive, as it enables you to stop draining your energy to many other people. Thus, you have more energy within yourself to process other healing sessions. For energy workers, it is CRUCIAL ...Astral Cord Clearing enables you to disconnect from clients when not in session. As all energy workers know, maintaining your energy is so important and can be so challenging. Not clearing can manifest in did-ease for the Lightworker. Interesting side effect ...You may find that the healing also has an effect on family and friends. Since we are all connected and not separate, when you change so do all around you change. Plus you may experience "ghosts of past" reappearing as they feel this disconnect within their own energy field .. Causing them them to want to try and reconnect without knowing why.. Suddenly your on their mind .. As with most energy work ...Astral Cord Clearing sessions can be performed from a distance if an in-person session is not possible. You will receive the same powerful effects as an in-person Astral Cord Clearing.. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you Much Soulkin Tamilyn

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