
Sunday 26 January 2014

Supermoon January 30, 2014


Scientific Content Sourced from :

Left Brain Info:
Many are asking will the tides be larger than usual at the January 30 new moons? Yes, just as they were Jan 1 2014... all new moons (and full moons,for that matter) combine with the sun to create larger-than-usual tides, but perigee new moons (or perigee full moons) elevate the growth of tides even more.
Each month, on the day of the new moon, the Earth, moon and sun are aligned, with the moon in between. This lineup creates wide-ranging tides, known as SPRING tides. 
High spring tides climb up especially high, and on the same day low tides plunge especially low.
The January 1 & 30 extra close new moons will accentuate  the spring tide, giving rise to what’s called a perigean spring tide.  
~~> This means If you live along an ocean coastline, please be safe & watch for high tides caused by the two January 2014 new moons – or Super Moons.
All should be well unless a strong weather system accompanies the perigean spring tide. Still, keep an eye on the weather, because storms do have a large potential to accentuate perigean spring tides.
What did astronomers & astrologers call these moons before we called them Super Moons? We called them a perigee full moon, or a perigee new moon
( SmartyPants Tip ~~> Perigee just means “near Earth.”)
The moon is full, or opposite Earth from the sun, once each month. It’s new, or more or less between the Earth and sun, once each month.
 Every month, as the moon orbits Earth, it comes closest to Earth. That point is called perigee
The moon always swings farthest away once each month; that point is called apogee. I believe  Supermoon is a  more modern way to honor such a gift .... than perigee new moon or perigee full moon
We first became familiar with the Super Moon label in the year 2011 when the media used used  Super Moon , 4 decades after it was coined by Richard Nolle in 1979..The media used it to describe the full moon of March 19, 2011. On that date, the full moon aligned with proxigee – the closest perigee of the year – to stage the closest, largest full moon of 2011.
Closest full Super Moons, in the year’s ahead are more often than not, the one day of the year that the full moon and perigee align also brings about the year’s closest perigee (also called proxigee). Because the moon has recurring cycles, we can count on the full moon and perigee to come in concert in periods of about one year, one month and 18 days.
Which mean the full moon and perigee realign in periods of about one year and 48 days. So we can figure the dates of the closest full moons in recent & close future years as:
March 19, 2011...May 6, 2012...June 23, 2013...August 10, 2014...September 28, 2015...November 14, 2016...January 2, 2018.
There will not be a perigee full moon in 2017 because the full moon and perigee will realign again (after November 14, 2016) until January 2, 2018.

Right Brain Info:

Grateful for knowledge !! I learned something there & I feel smarter ..LOL
Now we got the scientific stuff explained ..
Lets get back to something I DO know about . I want to talk about what the ...
Supermoon January 30, 2014 
What will mean for us SoulKin astrologically ..
It is occurring in the sign of Water Bearer ..Aquarius again, I advise extreme caution when out in low laying areas that have been, "only ever ,this deep " ... 

~~> Expect much higher tides then you would thought was high to begin with..
The Jan. 30 New Moon In Aquarius is ,as one would expect ,very much going to be an abrupt cleansing for some of us, look for dirt to be stirred up off the floor so to speak in the sense of you must lift the dirt before you can wash it away ..What ever comes to light will end up begin and catalyst for change and the renewed bare, clean slate will become the canvas on which the new is created.
Falling in Aquarius this Supermoon is well aspected to Uranus which is the planetary ruler of Aquarius and that is very significant note for the "masses" so to say in the land of cyclical thinking. Uranus rules personal as well as societal freedom. It indicates originality of thought & expression.Uranus rules the revolutionary events that upset established structures. What this says to me is watch for more light to be shown into the political corporate ran cobwebbed corners & for us, the people awakening in larger numbers at an accelerating pace.
This Super Moon in Aquarius represents the destruction of old agreements that are no longer serving the collective good of humanity. The “Uranian” destruction of toxic, and self-centered values had already begun to decay ,as we have been witnessing over the last decade. This progressive destruction is clearing the necessary space so that we may begin to draft “new agreements” that create, affirm and sustain the forward thinking and values of... 
Aquarius ~~>“The Water Bearer.” 
The Super Moon in Aquarius will be a time for scrubbing negativity and initiating action. However, be careful to balance this heightened activity with some down time away from the prying eyes of others, as all will be... on the look out to be ,the one who UNVEILS truth ..which is great if you have nothing to hide.. 

It is as always ..a time to  remember to believe in yourself and to trust your intuitive insights. No matter what .
xo Much Love & Light x
Tamilyn Your Help2Heal SoulSync Scribe

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