Saturday, 26 April 2014

Aura Insights


All living beings are surrounded by light emitted by them. Plants, animals, people living radiates energy, which is called an aura. Aura is divided into three main layers: the first layer or permanent; a second layer or emotional; third, or spiritual layer. They are similar to egg-shaped bubble of colored light that comes from the physical body.

Scientists and metaphysicians believe that slow the flow of direct electrical energy passes throughout the body through the nervous system. This flow is influenced by his or block certain conditions, such as illness, injury, and even anxiety. It can also affect external electromagnetic force fields (so bad to wear a chip programmed to counteract the negative effects of these force fields).

On the color of the aura affect health, emotional state, age, mindset and more. We are always aware of the condition of the aura around us mainly through the senses. Mother immediately feels when her child is sick, even if there are no obvious symptoms of the disease. She feels it as aura.

Contour of the body shows the presence of different layers: the emotional body, the physical body; etheric body, the mental body.

For healer must understand the state of the aura and know what problems may arise in it, if a person becomes ill. Possessing the ability to feel and see the aura, it is easy to determine where in the physical body can manifest the disease, as first signs of the disease occur in the outer layers in the aura, and then manifested in the physical body as the body of a final warning that all is not as good as it should be that way of thinking spawned disease.

Color of the human aura can vary depending, on what mindset he holds. I'll give examples of descriptions that might look like an aura, depending on temperament. If a person is depressed, his aura will be gray, dull and gloomy. If the same person will quickly restore their strength and begin to think about the love of humanity, his aura will change color to deep red. If he feels regret or remorse, the aura will be dark blue. The feeling of jealousy is expressed in dark green.

A person who often meditates for half an hour can change the color of your aura 3-5 times, promoting their consciousness of intellectual discourse dark tones to brighter shades of the spiritual realms. Aura can have shades of blue and light yellow, interwoven with white. Every day we feel the aura of others. In most cases, we do not tune in to these feelings, but they penetrate us themselves to in the future we could use them. We can talk to feel that someone is not feeling well, and someone alarmed. We know this because we feel and see his "third eye." Quartz crystal will help you more clearly see auras, using your intuition.

Buff man appeared before the eyes of scientists, when in 1870 Dr. Walter Kilner invented special colorant from coal tar, and which made it possible to see the aura. When applying this ink on the muscle can be observed ultraviolet spectrum. With the help of your screen, which is called "screen Kilnera", he could see the aura or energy field around the body. Although he published his scientific work in 1912, physicians and scientific world were not yet ready to accept his discovery.

The most common concept treats aura as electromagnetic force field surrounding the physical body. What would it look like no idea aura - is brightly painted book that allows you to read the past, present and future of a person. It is written in bright, expressive language, very clearly, and if you understand this language, it can provide an invaluable service to man in his journey through this life.

Each layer is different and performs special functions. Each layer of the aura associated with the chakra (energy - swirl).

1. The first layer and the first chakra is associated with bodily functions and physical sensations of pain and pleasure. The first layer is associated with involuntary and autonomic functions of the body.

2. Second layer and the second chakra are generally associated with the emotional aspects of human existence. These layer and chakra are medium through which carried our emotional life.

3. Third level or layer associated with the mentality, linear thinking. Anyway sluyaae third chakra is associated with linear thinking.

4. Fourth level associated with the heart chakra is responsible for our ability to love, not only close, but also humanity as a whole. The fourth chakra is responsible for the transformation of the energy of love.

5. Fifth level - a level higher will. It is associated more with God nezhelis man. Fifth chakra realizes the power of words, implements the above, ie, turning words into deeds. It means we listen and take responsibility for their actions.

6. Sixth level and the sixth chakra is associated with heavenly love. Such love is beyond ordinary human love and holds a lifetime and more. Due to the level of the sixth and sixth chakra all vital manifestations bear the imprint of the Divine. Seventh level and the seventh chakra associated with higher intelligence, knowledge and integration of our spiritual and physical entities.

Detailed description of each layer of the aura:

Etheric body (first layer)

Etheric body (the name comes from the word "ether" denotes a state average between energy and matter) is composed of the finest lines, which apply energy flows. Body like a "shining light rays network" that can be compared with the glow of the empty television screen. The etheric body is organized in the same way as the physical body: it has even anatomical structures and all the organs of our earthly physical body.

The etheric body is a well-defined structure of the lines of action of forces, or energy matrix, to which are attached material substrates of the physical body. Physical body tissues exist insofar as they support the vital energy field. Consequently, the primary is the aura, and not brute matter of the physical body.

For example, the matrix of a green leaf of a plant appears much earlier than himself appears sheet. Growing list as it fills an existing template or form.

Tela etheric body is in constant motion. Look clairvoyant available moving light - light blue highlights along the lines of the etheric body, penetrating the physical body.

Etheric body color varies from light - blue to gray. Bright blue color associated with more subtle etheric body structure than gray. This means that a more sensitive person with a gentle body is likely to have the first layer of the aura blue and the more rigid personality, athletic man - gray. All the chakras of the first layer are the same color as the etheric body. They also vary in color from light - blue to gray. Chakras look like swirls of light from which is constructed and the etheric body. At the level of the physical body observer perceives all the organs of the human body (though they have a bluish tint). Just as is the case with green leaf, etheric body is a matrix that determines the growth of the physical body tissue cells (ie, cells grow along the lines of the etheric body, which appears before the cells) If anyone - ever managed to separate from the etheric body the rest of the body, the view of the observer appeared to figure consisting of luminous lines flickering bluish color.

Watching his shoulder in the twilight of man on a background of white, black or dark - blue walls, you can see the ripple of the etheric body. Ripple begins on the shoulder and down the undulating hand. If you look closely, you will notice the space between the shoulder and the hazy blue light. After this comes a layer of bright light that spreads gradually weakening as the distance from the physical body. It should be noted that at the time of the fixation on this cloud, it immediately disappears as quickly moves. Ripple move lower arm until you hold your gaze on his shoulder. Try again. Then you might be able to catch the next pulsation.

Emotional body (second layer)

The second auric body, next, more subtle compared with the etheric body layer is called the emotional body and is associated with feelings. It follows the contours of the body around the physical body. Its structure is more mobile than the structure of the etheric body, and repeats the structure of the physical body. Second layer looks like a cloud of light that is in constant movement.
Emotional body penetrates into the dense bodies, which are in contact and surrounds. Color of this layer varies from bright to dark transparent shades - dirty, depending on the clarity or, conversely, feelings of confusion and state of energy that generates them. Clear and transparent emotional body is when it is charged with the energy of love, excitement, joy or anger. Tumult and confusion make emotional body dull and dark. When feelings become clearer as a result of communication, psychotherapy or other influences, the emotional body color becomes bright, clear and transparent.

The emotional body is painted in all colors of the rainbow. Each chakra respectively also looks like a twist of color surrounding it. In the following list perechisley chakra emotional body and color:

Red, red - orange, yellow, the color of young grass, sky - blue, indigo, white.

Emotional body looks like colored blobs moving ezhdu framed etheric body and slightly extending beyond. At times, a person throws light bunches of emotional body into the surrounding space.

Mental body (third layer)

The third body is called mental aura. This body extends beyond the emotional and consists of more subtle substance associated with thinking and mentality. mental body appears to an observer looking as bright yellow rays emanating from the head and shoulders and extending around the entire physical body. If the holder of this body or concentrated stress reflects, the third layer expands and becomes brighter.

The mental body is structured. It is our ideas. Most often, the mental body is yellow. Inside you can see the mental images. They look like a cloud-like clumps of varying brightness and shape. These images are in color more placed on them by the influence of the emotional body color. Color depends on the particular bunch of emotional coloring of this mental image. The more clearly formulated the idea, the brighter and clearer the corresponding bundle of energy in the mental body. Habitual thoughts are very powerful force, able to turn our lives, if they are well filtered.

This body is very trudnopredstavlyaemoe might of - for the fact that people have started to develop the mental body and the conscious use of intelligence has only recently.

Astral body (fourth layer)

The astral body is composed of amorphous and clouds colored light, more attractive in appearance than clouds emotional body. Astral body usually has the same color as the emotional body, but it is penetrated charming pink love. Chakras of the astral body, as well as the emotional body chakras, painted in all colors of the rainbow, but more imbued with pink love. Heart Chakra loving person on the astral level is full of pink.

On the astral level is done by a variety of relationships and interactions of people. In the space between them pass a myriad of clots in the form of light energy clouds. Some of these clouds are very pleasant, some - less. This difference is very noticeable. For example, you may feel uneasy about the presence in the room what - that man, though he may be, does not even know you were here. But it is at the level of everyday consciousness. On another level at this point is the mass of interest. For example, two people who pretend not to notice each other, the higher plane is very rapid dialogue.

Etheric double (template) (fifth layer)

The fifth layer is called the etheric double, because it contains all the forms are available on the physical plane in the form template or drawing. Most likely this layer looks like a photographic negative. If a person is sick, the etheric body is deformed. In this case, the pattern is the essential task of maintaining and updating the first layer of the aura. In addition, in the fifth layer sound creates matter. That it is particularly effective treatment sound. The fifth level is kind of clear or transparent lines on a cobalt background. Figure layer is very similar to the architectural design, though made in a completely different dimension.

For example, to build a sphere in Euclidean geometry must first select a starting point and then spend the end of the radius for all 3 - m measurements to get the ball. However, in the process of constructing the ethereal space sphere opposite. In emptiness countless converging planes that are between a blank space - volume of the ball.

Thus, a layer of ethereal aura template organizes space in which are located the structure of the first layer of the auric field - essential tela.shablon forms a lattice system (structured energy field), which built up the physical body. Thus, a fifth layer of the energy field comprises a negative all the forms that are in the plane of the physical body. However, this film does not exist on the film plane, and a mold space. To better imagine it, you can use a comparison with the forms for casting metal: void certain configurations in which the metal is poured, and give it a final shape. And template ethereal layer creates the shape of our physical body and all its organs using formative void space. These forms exist in the negative - space, empty field, which forms a structural lattice radio field. And already on the lines of the lattice located tissues of the physical body.

Focusing only on the vibration characteristics of the fifth level, it is possible to achieve an isolated perception. fifth layer auric field has the form of a long and narrow oval. this oval structure contains all fields, including the chakras, the body's organs and body shape (limbs, etc.), but no matter how negative. Structures have the form of transparent lines on a dark background. Tuned to the fifth layer, you can also voprinimat all other forms around him. This occurs when the vision switches to the desired frequency range.

Heavenly body (celestial) (sixth layer)

The sixth layer is the emotional aspect of the spiritual realm. This is the level at which we experience spiritual ecstasy induced by meditation and other techniques. When we get to this state, we realize their connection with the whole universe, we see the light and love in all things, the whole being immersed in the elements of light, feel that consist of light and ourselves are part of it, feel our oneness with God, it is that our consciousness has risen to the heights of the sixth level of the auric field.

Unconditional, selfless love occurs when a connection is established between the open heart chakra and open celestial chakra. Such a flow of love connects human, earthly love to our fellow with spiritual ecstasy inherent spiritual love that goes beyond the physical reality of other worlds. The combination of these two states generates true, unconditional love.

Heavenly body seen eyes seeing as shimmering, beautiful light, designed in pastel colors. like this nacre layer overflows, opalestsiruya golden - silver light. Sixth form layer not clearly identify: a celestial body just radiates light, just as it emits a candle flame. Inside this radiance can be discerned even more bright rays.

Keternoe or causal body (causal) (seventh layer)

Seventh layer - is the mental aspect of the spiritual realm, also called keternym template. When we reach the seventh level, realize their unity with the Creator. Seventh layer is egg-shaped and contains all the auric bodies associated with the epitome of the individual, with all of its forms. It is a highly structured template. It consists of interlacing gold - silver threads of light, so hard to maintain the integrity of the whole aura. Seventh body - the essence of the crystal lattice structure of the physical body and all the chakras.

If you tune in to the frequency of the seventh level, you can see the beautiful golden "flickering" light.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

The Twelve Children of the Light

*An Astrological FairyTale*

Adapted from : An Allegory from the Astrologer Martin Shulman

“Birth is not the beginning, Death is not the end.”
~Chuang – Tsu

…And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children and into each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one each child stepped forward to receive their appointed gift.

” To you Aries I give my seed first that you might have the honor of planting it. That for every seed you plant one million more will multiply in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow for everything you plant creates more that must be planted.

You will be the first to penetrate the soil of men’s minds with My Idea.
But it is not your job to nourish the idea nor to question it.

Your life is action and the only action I ascribe to you is to begin making men aware of my creation.

For your good work I will give you the virtue of Self Esteem.” 

Quietly Aries stepped back into place.

“To you Taurus I give the power to build the seed into substance. Your job is a great one requiring patience for you must finish all that has been started or the seeds will be wasted to the wind. You are not to question nor change your mind in the middle nor to depend on others for what I ask you to do. For this I give you the gift of Strength. Use it wisely.”

And Taurus stepped back in place.

“To you Gemini I give the questions without answers so that you may bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why men speak or listen, but in your quest for the answer you will find my gift of Knowledge.”

And Gemini stepped back in place.

“To you Cancer I ascribe the task of teaching men about emotion. My Idea is for you to cause them laughter and tears so that all they see and think develops fullness from inside. For this I give you the gift of Family, that your fullness may multiply.”

And Cancer stepped back in place.

“To you Leo I give the job of displaying My Creation in all its brilliance to the world. But you must be careful of pride and always remember that it is My creation, not yours. For if you forget this men will scorn you. There is much joy in the job I give to you if you but do it well. For this you are to have the gift of Honor.”

And Leo stepped back in place.

“To you Virgo I ask for an examination of all man has done with My Creation. You are to scrutinize his ways sharply and remind him of his errors so that through you My Creation may be perfected. For doing this I give you the gift of Purity of Thought.”

And Virgo stepped back in place.

“To you Libra I give the mission of service, that man may be mindful of his duties to others. That he may learn cooperation as well as the ability to reflect the other side of his actions. I will put you everywhere there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of Love.”

And Libra stepped back in place.

“To you Scorpio I give a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I do not permit you to speak about what you learn. Many times you will be pained by what you see, and in your pain you will turn away from Me and forget that it is not I but the perversion of My Idea that is causing your pain. You will see so much of man that you will come to know him as animal and wrestle so much with his animal instincts in yourself that you will lose your way; but when you finally come back to Me, Scorpio, I have for you the supreme gift of Purpose.” 

And Scorpio stepped back in place.

“Sagittarius, I ask you to make men laugh for ad mist their misunderstanding of My Idea they become bitter. Through laughter you are to give man hope, and through hope turn his eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives if but only for a moment, and you will know the restlessness in every life you touch. To you Sagittarius I give the gift of Infinite Abundance, that you may spread wide enough to reach into every corner of darkness and bring it to light.”

And Sagittarius stepped back in place.

“Of you Capricorn I ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach men to work. Your task is not an easy one for you will feel all of man’s labors on your shoulders; but for the yoke of your burdens I put the responsibility of man in your hands.”

And Capricorn stepped back in place.

“To you Aquarius I give the concept of future that man might see other possibilities. You will have the pain of loneliness for I do not allow you to personalize My Love. But for turning man’s eyes to new possibilities I give you the gift of Freedom, that in your liberty you may continue to serve mankind whenever he needs you.

And Aquarius stepped back in place.

“To you Pisces I give the most difficult task of all. I ask you to collect all of man’s sorrow and return it to me. Your tears are to be ultimately My tears. The sorrow you will absorb is the effect of man’s misunderstanding My Idea, but you are to give him compassion that he may try again. For this the most difficult task of all I give the greatest gift of all. You will be the only one of My twelve children to understand Me. But this gift of understanding is for you, Pisces for when you try to spread it to man he will not listen.”

And Pisces stepped back in place.

…Then God said “You each have a part of My Idea.

You must not mistake the part of for all of My Idea, nor may you desire to trade parts with each other.

For each of you is perfect, but you will not know that until all twelve of you are ONE. For then the whole of My Idea will be revealed to each of you.”

And the children left, each determined to do his job best that he might receive his gift. But none fully understand his task or his gift, and when they returned puzzled God said,

“You each believe that other gifts are better. Therefore I will allow you to trade.” And for the moment each child was elated as he considered all the possibilities of his new mission.

But God smiled as he said “You will return to Me many times asking to be relieved of your mission, and each time I will grant you your wish. You will go through countless incarnations before you complete the original mission I have prescribed for you.

I give you countless time in which to do it, but only when it is done can you be with Me.”

“The reality of my life cannot die for I am indestructible consciousness.”

~Paramahansa Yogananda

The light in its truest form is a connection with God. Our hearts long to take part in the light and to be children of light. From the very beginning, God created us to be children of light. He created us to live as the family of Light.